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Double Fish Table Tennis Series, Jinque Badminton Equipments Series, Basketaball, Football and Volleyball in Hongkong and Macau Supermarket

December 6,2017.

In August, 2017

We visited our agents and investigated the markets in Hongkong and Macau.

The market share raised rapily these years for 免费黄色视频在线观看:double fish products, not only Double Fish 免费黄色视频在线观看:Table Tennis Series, but also Jinque Badminton Equipments and shuttlecock Series, Basketaball, Football and Volleyball.

The above pictures are from Hongkong and Macau Supermaket.

Supermarket is one of the sales channel, we also have projects from schools, public associations, table tennis club and shuttlecock club for professional players and for enteratinment.